195 – Institutions? More like Instant Two Shits!! w/ Nas

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
195 - Institutions? More like Instant Two Shits!! w/ Nas

The new era of Art and Labor cuntinues to shape up with Marshall and OK grooming holocaust, memory, and internet studies scholar Nas to become a new Nakama of the pod-ship. We ask them about so-called progressive Jewish institutions failing to recognize genocide or even twisting “never again” as a disgusting attempt to justify the slaughter of 40,000 Palestinians. We also discuss the demands of the campus protests, and potential strategies for coordination and escalation. Can we imagine a world without private institutions and media? Can we navigate increased violence, repression, and airborne toxins to free ourselves from further isolation? BONUS EP ON MORE VERBOTEN TOPICS HERE 😬

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thread of how student demonstrators in the 1960s were depicted in editorial cartoons: https://twitter.com/lawprofblawg/status/1782144133429154204?t=F4E67xQOMfzWtK1MMBVv7A&s=19

Ben Morea on Columbia in 68: https://twitter.com/bum_lung/status/1783255272556782074?t=YjzLsy366119ZYW0t1NThQ&s=19

John Berger’s The Nature of Mass Demonstrations: https://www.marxists.org/history/etol/newspape/isj/1968/no034/berger.htm

CUNY action from Nov: https://www.leftvoice.org/student-workers-stand-up-for-cuny-and-palestine/

That time IOF students did chemical warfare: https://twitter.com/ColumbiaSJP/status/1748729253770698944

194 – Physical Media

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
194 - Physical Media

Iconic bald guys Marshall and OK are back, and this week they rant poetic about physical media. Who is speaking with authority? Is it us? Is it Tavi Gevinson? Is it the New York Times? Is it whoever is telling the New York Times to censor certain words and whoever is telling Tavi to pay minions $25/hr to distro free sponcon for Taylor Swift? Is it Taylor Swift? If you’re a Swiftie you have to tell us. Hopefully we get some of that sweet new album SEO!

Solidarity with Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD) https://twitter.com/taliaotg/status/1780995492832334317




193 – Suck by Suck West

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
193 - Suck by Suck West

Art and Labor 2 is back! We take a second to decompress and to welcome new cohost Marshall, who’s talking to us today about United Musicians and Allied Workers. The group recently had campaigns bringing attention to SXSW underpaying artists and taking money from the Department of Defense. We talk about building alternative spaces and the inefficiencies of the Armies official E-sports team. If you like us, please consider spreading the good word! Directly sharing our episodes with friends helps defeat the algorithm. And consider joining our patreon to help defeat our brokeness!

Cum 2 the gig!

You can read more about UMAW’s Fair Pay at SXSW campaign here: https://weareumaw.org/fair-pay-at-sxsw



192 – Not in Our Name

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
192 - Not in Our Name

(sorry for bad mic this ep) OK and Sarah warm up the engine a little with a conversation leading from, and leading to, the ethnic cleansing going on in Gaza as we
speak. What is to be done? We weigh the options- mostly, do what you
can, some of which is going to involve the heavy and uncomfortable
work of shittalking a list comedians. how could we ever carry such a
burden! Are you favs on the good list or the bad list?

If you want to send money, there’s a million places, but we’ve donated
to Medical Aid for Palestinians: https://www.map.org.uk/donate/donate

We’re preaching to the choir here most likely, but please don’t be
afraid to speak out- there are lives to be saved

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Lucia post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CywmynnMI1M/

JVP DC mass arrest action: https://www.thenation.com/article/activism/jewish-voice-peace-protest-dc/

191 – Don’t Dream It, Be It w/ Jackie Ess

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
191 - Don't Dream It, Be It w/ Jackie Ess

Honored to be graced by Jackie Ess, co-founder of the Bay Area Trans Writers Workshop and the author of the groundbreaking, cuck character study/novel of our time, Darryl. We discuss “radical trans poetics,” the historical importance of local freaks, and make an open call for more experimental jazz fusion. Don’t take our wives, please! If you like us, please consider spreading the good word! Directly sharing our episodes with friends helps defeat the algorithm. And consider joining our patreon to help defeat our brokeness!

Jackie’s music on instagram

10/12 event for Disruptive Engagement: An Organizer’s Guide to Building Community Power for Justice in Land Use and Housing in New York City https://centerforthehumanities.org/programming/disruptive-engagement-handbook-launch

Jackie’s music rec https://ruthgarbus.bandcamp.com/album/alive-people

190 – Netflix’s One Piece w/ Alex Degen and Alec Robbins

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
190 - Netflix's One Piece w/ Alex Degen and Alec Robbins

OK and Sarah are joined by two of our absolute favorite cartoonists Alex Degen and Alec Robbins to discuss One Piece both as a comic😤 and as content😩. Alec’s fantastic thread on the “corporate experiment” that is Netflix’s One Piece prompted this excellent convo on art education, WGA/SAG actions, and flattening of culture that happens online. Alex and OK also endorse interesting live action adaptions that happened via ice and in kabuki. We want ART not YOUTUBE BYPRODUCT. We want DIGNITY not SLOP!! They are trying to feed us BUGS when we need REAL FOOD that will nurture our souls and lift our spirits. Isn’t that what One Piece is truly all about?? If you like us, please consider spreading the good word! Directly sharing our episodes with friends helps defeat the algorithm. And consider joining our patreon to help defeat our brokeness!

Read Alex’s work: https://www.tcj.com/reviews/the-marchenoir-library/

Read Alec’s work: https://crimehot.com/

Previous One Piece ep: https://artandlaborpodcast.com/podcast/177-one-piece-film-red-w-sam-branman-august-lipp/

Fan re-edit of One Piece anime: https://onepace.net/en

Library of Ohara for manga nerds: https://thelibraryofohara.com/

OK’s relevant new piece: https://thenewinquiry.com/alienated-nerds/

189 – Art Work and Sex Work w/ Jin

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
189 - Art Work and Sex Work w/ Jin

OK’s Disclaimer Gallery comrade Jin is in town from Hawaii and updates us on the situation in Maui, their community care work, and the Be Easy Stay Safe zine made for and by sex workers. Please follow and support Jin’s work on their Instagram. Content warning: we discuss experiences of transphobic and racist discrimination, as well as harassment and assault at work. We also discuss fun stuff like art and care and love!!!

If you like us, please consider spreading the good word! Directly sharing our episodes with friends helps defeat the algorithm. And consider joining our patreon to help defeat our brokeness!

Stay Safe Be Easy

188 – Fagcon w/ Eric Kostiuk Willams

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
188 - Fagcon w/ Eric Kostiuk Willams

OK Fox and Eric Kostiuk Willams  return with a recap of festival season. We have criticisms and praises for Flamecon in NYC, Queer Trans Zine Fest in Providence, and Small Press Expo in Bethesda. We also discuss All Dolled Up, an event Eric did the poster for and OK attended in an act of rebellion against attempts to ban trans women from strip clubs. As trauma and fractures rise we retreat into the comforts of the erotic arts and call for greater protections and honors for sexy pictures and sex work.

If you like us, please consider spreading the good word! Directly sharing our episodes with friends helps defeat the algorithm. And consider joining our patreon to help defeat our brokeness!

187 – Anon Anon Meeting

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
187 - Anon Anon Meeting

Know us by our sacred form; as Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos; yuanshi tianzun, lingbao tianzun, daode tianzun; final fantasy 10, final fantasy 10-2, final fantasy 10-3 (on ao3, lulu is in a reeducation camp, yuna is given more guns)— and yes, at times in the form of OK, Lucia, and Sarah on Art and Labor: Audio Issues Edition! This one’s been marinating a bit, we got a little bit of atomization on the 1s and 2s, the definitive take on those NPC livestreams, breaking your chains or hamster wheel or death drive or facebook marketplace addiction, some laughter some tears some movie recs, all the stuff to round out your summer before the dreaded Normal Gallery Hours Resuming season (aka, End of Residency Season)

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Art and Labor
Art and Labor

One of us saw Barbenheimer and one of us didn’t. Wouldn’t you know it, that doesn’t stop the take machine from churning here on the new and improved ART AND LABOR 2. That’s right! We have emerged from our chrysalis to influence hearts and minds on a plane of evolution that was higher than before. We have the same hosts, same wandering conversation, and same opening song, but at heart, we have become the sequel to ourselves. Join us as we discuss the international responses to our darling summer blockbusters, with a little historical reference sprinkled in for nutritional value.

If you like us, please consider spreading the good word! Directly sharing our episodes with friends helps defeat the algorithm. And consider joining our patreon to help defeat our brokeness!