Episode 15 – W.A.G.E. & SPX & Marx@200

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
Episode 15 - W.A.G.E. & SPX & Marx@200

We went to many events so you didn’t have to. We discuss the Festival Workers Association born during the many controversies of this year’s Small Press Expo. While OK was in Maryland Lucia went to the Marx@200 show at Verso Books, which was a celebration of Peter Frase’s new book “The Four Futures” and included Alfredo Jaar’s piece that is only ever revealed on September 15th. Finally, we discuss an episode we recorded after the W.A.G.E. Rager we attended at Artist’s Space that we’re probably abandoning for being “too drunk” There’s a big chunk about One Piece too!

Chicago & Indianapolis shows:



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FWA http://festivalworkers.com/

The anthology OK won an award for http://comicsforchoice.com/

Working Artists and the Greater Economy http://www.wageforwork.com/wagency#top

Marx@200 https://www.versobooks.com/events/1849-author-peter-frase-marx-200-reception

Parasocial Hell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLA-uFKjQ-g