Episode 16 – Housing and Displacement

Art and Labor
Art and Labor
Episode 16 - Housing and Displacement

Go to the 3rd Anti-Columbus Day Tour: https://www.facebook.com/events/235077237185003/ We build on our “Artwashing and Soho” episode using our direct experiences and observations of gentrification in our neighborhoods. We do a “Goofus and Gallant” for anti-gentrication art. Shoutout to the locals, but also these thoughts can be applied all over the place. It’s a layered topic, but I think we illustrate our points well even though I have a bad cold.

Chicago & Indianapolis shows: https://twitter.com/ArtandLaborPod/status/1047527604339822595

If you like us please consider donating for bonus writing, memes, and art: https://d.rip/artandlabor

BAN: https://bangentrification.org/

Ridgewood Tenants Union: https://twitter.com/RidgewdTenantsU

(Dis)Placed in Sunset Park: http://www.bettyyu.net/displacedinsunsetpark/

Anthony Rosado #FREEBUSHWICK: http://www.anthonywashrosado.com/freebushwick/

“Progress” Show at Fivemyles: http://artinbrooklyn.com/2016/03/progress-installations-performances/

RAFiA: https://soundcloud.com/rafiasworld

Brooklyn Not For Sale Protest: https://hyperallergic.com/254426/anti-gentrification-activists-protest-real-estate-summit-at-brooklyn-museum/

Bullshit yarn mural thing: https://hyperallergic.com/238626/artist-will-remove-bushwick-crochet-mural-that-sparked-community-protest/

Sad little houses: https://www.dmagazine.com/publications/d-magazine/2018/march/sad-little-houses-casita-triste-oak-cliff-giovanni-valderas/

Follow our new Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/artandlaborpod/Call us! (413) 258-1116Follow our Twitter: https://twitter.com/artandlaborpod You can contact Art & Labor at artandlaborpodcast@gmail.com